Marble Roller Coaster Project Rubric

Rubric paper roller coasters objective.
Marble roller coaster project rubric. 10 points test run test your roller coaster to verify that the marble will travel entire track you are allowed 3 tries for a successful run. Reading from paper some parts missing lacking seriousness while presenting. A powerpoint or poster also shown. Roller coaster information and rubric.
Roller coaster design project rubric lxb3b28. Measuring tape hot glue gun foam pipe insulation wood plastic styrofoam. Build your own marble roller coaster in this project and find out. Marble roller coaster project rubric.
Record in composition book. Gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy. Roller coasters rely on two types of energy to operate. What scientific laws facts are being demonstrated during the marble ride.
Roller coaster project rubric looking for way. Acceleration of the marble going down the first hill or acceleration of the marble through the whole coaster please write which of these you chose to figure next to your calculation. Deliver to school by may 10th 6 00 8 00 p m. You must bring your marble when the project is tested and presented.
Free rubric builder and assessment tools. Work in groups of 2 or 3 utilizing your knowledge of newton s 3 laws of motion to create a paper roller coaster that can carry a marble for the longest period of time without stopping. Your roller coaster will transport a marble that you supply you can use any model or size marble. Marble roller coaster with grading rubric may 5th 2018 marble roller coaster project research design and build a roller coaster your roller coaster cannot be prefabricated or from a kit it must have at least 2 hills backyard roller coasters the coasterdad project.
Assess whether you met the project criteria by writing comments in the appropriate box. Part way no way scoring presentation well presented covers the history physics and team experience. Rubric for the home roller coaster project. Keep a journal of the process.
If the marble roller coaster is too large then a video of the presentation done at home is acceptable as long as it is in a playable format i e. 3 pts 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 notes. The model should be designed for a glass marble. A frictional roller coaster project rubric the purpose of this engineering design challenge project is to apply differential calculus physics and numerical.
Continuous track marble roller coaster made entirely out of paper.