Marble S Front Sight For Marlin 336

Marble s 1 16 gold 1 16 ivory 3 32 gold 3 32 ivory 3 32 fiber optic orange 3 32 fiber optic green williams.
Marble s front sight for marlin 336. Offering shooting supplies accessories since 1990. Marbles brass bead front sight made by marble arms these front sights have a 093 brass bead and come in several heights. Williams 5d 94 36 receiver peep sight winchester top eject 94 64 9422 marlin 36 336 1894 pre 2001 and 1895 pre 1994 aluminum black our price 39 49 our price. The adjustments are micrometer precise.
Lyman barrel sights lyman tang peep sights for shiloh sharps 1886 winchesters 1873 winchesters 1892 winchesters 1897 winchesters and many more. A good sight for your marlin 336 rifle is important if you intend on increasing the accuracy and overall performance especially if you intend to hit targets or small game from close distances like 100 yards or so. Click on a term to search for related topics. But what will be the deciding factor for you.
The 41 height sights are kept in stock and work with uberti rear semi buckhorn sights. These will fit a 3 8 dovetail slot. The william s firesights are composed of a rear peep sight and a fiber optic front. Marlin 336 style marble arms standard peep tang sight list by manufacturer the marble arms peep tang sight is adjustable for windage and elevation.
Quality gun sights for firearms including fiber optic sights peep tang sights rear and front sights. An ideal marlin 336 upgrade therefore are william s firesights see full specs which are designed to greatly improve the traditional iron sights by making them peep sights. The perfect option for you will depend on your needs and personal preferences. Front sights are measured from the bottom of the dovetail to the top of the bead.
Peep sights are more precise and easier to use when it comes to overall accuracy.