Marble Spleen Disease In Chickens

There is prominent macrophage phagocytic cell hyperplasia and intranuclear inclusion bodies in the spleen distended bloody intestines and pseudomembranous fibrinonecrotic.
Marble spleen disease in chickens. The virulence of the virus varies but morbidity may be 100 and mortality 10 60. Both diseases are caused by similar viruses. The etiologic agent is a type ii avian adenovirus closely related to hemorrhagic enteritis virus of turkeys and splenomegaly virus of chickens. The polypeptides of serologically related viruses of hemorrhagic enteritis he in turkeys marble spleen disease msd in pheasants and splenomegaly in chickens smc were separated by sodium.
The lesions are pathognomonic. Serologically indistinguishable viruses cause marble spleen disease of pheasants and avian adenovirus splenomegaly in broiler chickens. Species specific differences in clinical response are thought to be related to differences in the target organs for anaphylaxis and variation in. However they are.
Marble spleen disease msd is a contagious disease of captive reared ring necked pheasants phasianus colchicus characterized by variable mortality and high morbidity. The type ii adenoviruses include marble spleen disease virus of pheasants hemorrhagic enteritis virus of turkeys and splenomegaly virus of chickens which are morphologically and serologically indistinguishable. The source of virus is unknown. Marble spleen disease is an acute respiratory disease of pheasants characterized by depression enlarged mottled spleens pulmonary congestion and death.