Marble Statue Of Kouros Essay

Generally both statues have evidence of cultural influences and unrealistic postures but show differences in the anatomy medium and the purposes they served.
Marble statue of kouros essay. Kouros archaic greek statue representing a young standing male. The height without plinth of this statue is the 76 5 8 inches. The names of the artists responsible for creating these statues are not known. Although the influence of many nations can be discerned in particular elements of these figures the first appearance of such monumental stone figures seems to coincide with the reopening of greek trade with egypt c.
Throughout the archaic period which dates from 610 b c. Greece and it depicts a young greek child being one of the earliest freestanding marble statues from attica. Metropolitan kouros essay 1074 words 5 pages. In art a kouros is a statue of a young nude male who stands with his hands at his sides and one leg usually his left advanced.
This statue is from attica athens c. The marble statue of a kouros youth at the met museum in new york is among the first human sculptures discovered from ancient greece which dates back to the archaic period c 600 480 bce. This is one of the earliest marble statues of a human figure carved in attica. The rigid stance with the left leg forward and arms at the side was derived from egyptian art.
The pose provided a clear simple formula that was used by greek sculptors throughout the sixth century b c. These kouroi were belived to have served as grave markers. The marble statue of kouros essaysat the beginning of the archaic period of ancient greece circa 680 b c e several bronze figures of male youths appeared on the artistic landscape and served as the forerunners of later and similar statues known as kouros based on egyptian and mesopotamian figure. Statue of a kouros essays.
The greek sculptures that were influenced by the egyptians were made within the archaic. To 480 b c the basic pose of kouroi plural for kouros remained the same though the anatomy of the figures gradually became more naturalistic or true to life. The marble statue of kouros male youth is the earliest known life size sculpture of a standing male from the archaic period. The marble statue of a kouros youth on the other hand is slightly over 6 feet tall and 20 inches wide.
The marble statue of kouros male youth is the earliest known life size sculpture of a standing male from the archaic period the height without plinth of this statue is the 76 5 8 inches. A descriptive paper on kouros kouros or the statue of the standing youth is one of the most famous iconic artworks made by the ancient greeks.