Marble Temple In Caesarea Philippi For Agustus

καισαρεία φιλίππεια kaisareía philíppeia was an ancient roman city located at the southwestern base of mount hermon it was adjacent to a spring grotto and related shrines dedicated to the greek god pan now nearly uninhabited.
Marble temple in caesarea philippi for agustus. After his death his son herod philip ii or philip the tetrarch built a city on the site. Caesarea philippi modern banias located 40 km north of the sea of galilee in the southwest foothills of mount hermon was known for its grotto red rock bluff forests and springs. Herod the great was given the area of paneion later to be known as caesarea philippi by caesar augustus in 20 bc. This was one of three temples herod constructed to honor caesar augustus in israel caesarea maritima by the mediterranean sea samaria sebaste in the south and caesarea philippi.
They were located in caesarea by the sea samaria sebaste and near paneon. It became the capital of his large kingdom which spread across the golan and the hauran. Herod senior created the artificial port of caesarea maritima on the mediterranean coast and built the temples to his patron augustus at both sites as well as at sebaste near today s nablus in the pagan mindset the limestone cave at caesarea philippi was literally a gate to the underworld where fertility gods spent the winter. Contemporary sources refer to the city as caesarea panias.
The temple of augustus at caesarea philippi this drawing shows an illustration of a temple of augustus. As pan the greek god of pastoralism was often worshipped in caves it was perhaps natural that the first reference to this location around 200 bce calls it. In the year 2 bce herod philip founded a pagan city and named it caesarea philippi in honor of augustus caesar. Caesarea philippi ˌ s ɛ s ə ˈ r iː ə f ɪ ˈ l ɪ p aɪ.
The temple at caesarea philippi would have been built in a similar style. Herod the great s temple to caesar augustus. He rebuilt and beautified the town calling it caesarea as a compliment to augustus and adding his own name to distinguish it from caesarea on the coast of sharon ant. The district was given by augustus to herod the great 20 bc by whom a temple of white marble was built in honor of the emperor.
The new testament as caesarea philippi. Paneas formed part of the tetrarchy of philip. In ad 14 he named the city caesarea philippi in honour of himself and the emperor caesar augustus. Augustus had been emperor when jesus was born and was hailed as.
In honor of augustus visit to the area herod the great built three temples to augustus called augusteums. About 50 years before jesus visited herod the great built a temple of white marble at the grotto. But on an immediate level my understanding is that herod the great was given what became caesarea philippi by the emperor caesar augustus and that herod gratefully built a marble temple to augustus there that would have been standing when jesus took the disciples there.