Marble Venus Rome

Constructed by hadrian and dedicated in 135 though possibly not completed until 145 by antoninus pius according to numismatic evidence depicting the temple it essentially enveloped the velia hill a small contiguous mound adjoining the palatine hill.
Marble venus rome. Workshop of antonio canova italian possagno 1757 1822 venice date. It is made of precious marble probably parian and represents venus aphrodite nude and in contemplation coming out of her bath. French private collection acquired in the 1970s. A contributory reason for it is perhaps the date august 19 of the foundation of one of her roman temples august 19 is the vinalia rustica a festival of jupiter hence he and venus came to be associated and this facilitated their equation as father and daughter with the greek deities zeus and aphrodite.
Marble and pigment 40 15 16 in. 1822 23 variant of marble first executed 1810 culture. The sculpture of slightly larger than life size dimensions was found near basilica of san vitale around 1666 1670. Venus the lovatelli venus roman 200 1 b c.
30 5 cm high please note this lot is the property of a private individual. That venus s identification with aphrodite took place fairly early is certain. Property from a french private collection a roman marble head of venus circa 2nd century a d. 175 3 cm 293 kg classification.
The temple of venus and rome was one of rome s most colossal temples. Pope benedict xiv purchased it from the stazi. Scientific instruments credit line. The discovery of the capitoline venus the capitoline venus was discovered in rome in the.
The capitoline venus is a slightly over lifesize marble statue of venus it is an antonine copy of a late hellenistic sculpture that ultimately derives from praxiteles helbig 1972 128 30. Bequest of lillian rojtman berkman 2001. Soprintendenza speciale per i beni archeologici di napoli e pompei. Lot essay the fashion of the hairstyle finds close similarity to the capitoline venus which is based on the 4th century b c.
The expert carving of the figure endows hard marble with the appearance of soft flesh and has made the capitoline venus one of the most admired and frequently copied of all roman antiquities. Cut at the right shoulder in the 19th century to accommodate a now missing restoration. It was found on the viminal hill during the pontificate of clement x 1670 76 in the gardens belonging to the stazi near san vitale. The temple of venus and roma latin.
An ancient roman marble statue of the goddess aphrodite venus. Templum veneris et romae is thought to have been the largest temple in ancient rome located on the velian hill between the eastern edge of the forum romanum and the colosseum in rome it was dedicated to the goddesses venus felix venus the bringer of good fortune and roma aeterna eternal rome.