Marbles 009884 Sight

Marble s improved tang peep sight base american arms 1874 sharps browning 1885 cimarron 1866 1873 rossi 65 1892 uberti 1873 1886 winchester 53 55 64 65 1885 1892 92 1894 94 our price 69 99 our price.
Marbles 009884 sight. Sight in gun with factory sights to 100 yards 2. In addition to the winchester 73 we also had a scoped henry big boy at the range. 26nr standard front gun sight 1 16 ivory bead 260 high 250 wide. Marble arms in stock 4 0 2 rifle 66 flat top long shank rear sight.
In the days when iron sights were the rule and scopes were the exception the peep tang sight was considered the top of the line in both precision shooting and general hunting. The increase in speed is due to the way your vision is drawn through the rear sight. Sight in gun with factory sights to 100 yards. The marble arms peep tang sight is one of the cornerstones of marble s line.
Winchester 94 rear sight. Marbles 26n sheard style type sight winchester 92 94 carbines 26 n gold. Free shipping on many items browse your favorite brands. Mark the holes 009800 hole spacing is 2 185 center to center.
A longer sight post may have to be installed for the 36a. Marbles tang sight f winchester 9422 22 magnum. Testing the sight at the range guns and shooting online chief technical advisor jim fleck who had not previously used a tang mounted peep sight was astounded that his 50 yard groups were as good with the marble s peep sight as with a four power riflescope. Tang peep sight installation 1.
Marble arms in stock 4 0 1 rifle barrel mounted 3 32 50 w front sight. This sight base has a 1 125 hole spacing which will fit marlin model 36a. Marble arms in stock 5 0 1 rifle 67 semibuckhorn longshank rear sight. Marble arms in stock 0 0.
Adjust peep tang sight so that you are in the middle of the adjustment windage and elevation. Quality gun sights for firearms including fiber optic sights peep tang sights rear and front sights. Marbles sheard no 10 gold blade front sight winchester 1895 54 rifles 36 high 24 00 marble s no. 69 99 available add to cart marble s sporting rear sight rifle style 2 3 4 long blade semi buckhorn with double step elevator.
Place peep tang sight on tang so that when looking through peep sight aperture all sights are in alignment.