Marbles Rules Basic

Draw a ring on the ground either with a piece of chalk or with a stick in the dirt.
Marbles rules basic. How to play pegs or marbles and jokers game. Using a designated shooter marble players take turns shooting from outside the circle and trying to hit a target marble out of the ring while keeping the shooter marble inside the ring. Rules to the game of marbles setting up the game a circle is drawn on the ground usually with a diameter of 3 6 feet. A traditional chalk circle should be around 3 feet 0 9 meters across.
Draw a starting line just outside the ring. Each player puts a few marbles into the ring and the goal is to shoot the marbles from the starting line out of the ring. You must play an ace or face card to begin movement. To move all five pegs clockwise around the board from your start position to your home position.
Marbles are placed inside the circle usually near the center and often arranged in an x pattern. Both players have to use marbles of different color. Your shooter or taw marble will be what you use to knock other marbles out of the circle later. The objective of marbles is simple.
This will be your marble ring during the game. Each duck knocked out of the circle is worth one point. Each player uses 1 game paddle and selects a peg color. After your turn has ended play moves to the next player who can try to move marbles from the starting area.
Knock as many of your opponent s marbles out of the circle and win them. If you cannot play a card discard any of your six cards. Select one of the six cards to play. Draw a large circle usually about 5 to 10 feet across and place 13 marbles in the center spaced 3 inches apart to form a cross.
5 cards are dealt to each player as usual but a turn consists of first playing a card to your discard pile then moving a peg or pegs using the power of the played card and finally drawing a card from the face down deck so that you have 5 cards again. Choose a marble bigger than all your other marbles so. First player or team to have all their pegs in the home position wins the game. The game begins by throwing one marble from throwing line and aiming it into the hole.
When it s your turn kneel outside the ring and flick your shooter marble out of your fist with your thumb trying to hit as many marbles out of the ring. Choose your shooter marble this should be bigger than any of your other marbles. Put 5 to 10 other marbles in the centre of the ring to play. Two players compete against each other.
You can use chalk on the sidewalk or blacktop or use thread or string to make a circle on the carpet. Draw the circle as evenly you can to ensure a fair game 2 x research source use string as an alternative if you are playing marbles indoors step 2 choose a shooter marble. The rules differ from the basic game as follows. Step 1 draw a circle on the pavement in chalk.
The goal of the game is to place all own marbles into the hole as first. Discard your played card.