Minimum Distance Between Siding And Grade

Clearance to the ground on the exterior of the building.
Minimum distance between siding and grade. The slope of the finished grade must be maintained at a minimum of 6 inches of fall within 10 feet. Or as required by local building codes. Maintaining proper clearances reduces access to wood structures behind the siding by wood destroying insects or damage from water that might. Fiber cement lap siding having a maximum width of 12 inches 305 mm shall comply with the requirements of astm c1186 type a minimum grade ii or iso 8336 category a minimum class 2.
May be required in accordance with local building codes. Siding materials need proper clearances between finish grade and the siding regardless the type of siding. Top of the line siding. Minimum distance between siding and grade.
This article will examine just that question of the recommended distance from ground and siding your clearance is vitally important for the siding s long term protection and safeguard. Lap siding shall be lapped a minimum of 1 1 4 inches 32 mm and lap siding not having tongue and groove end joints shall have the ends protected with. James hardie products must be installed with a minimum of 6 in. A concrete walkway runs around my house front to side to backyard.
There s about 3 dirt bed with plants between the walkway and the house. This requirement is not just to prevent damage to the siding it serves a couple of other functions as well. If it s done improperly the siding may be too close to the ground which will invite insects pests and other types of damage. In this article we re going to explain the minimum distance between siding and grade for each type of material.
Foundations are typically required to extend above the adjacent finished grade a minimum of 6 in. Clearances greater than 6 in. And also make sure the grade falls away from the foundation to be specific the 2015 international residential code irc requires the foundation to be 4 inches above the finished grade when covered by a masonry veneer or 6 inches elsewhere. The minimum distance above adjacent grade to which the foundation must be extended provides termite.
Thicker material allows for deeper cut aesthetic designs. The closer to the grade the sooner your siding will deteriorate. Having your siding too close to the ground is just asking for trouble. In most cases siding clearance should be about 6 8 from the ground.